Thursday, January 30, 2014

Better Times

It is important to the powers that be to murder leaders because they are an effective check as a moral conscience on their followers.  If King lived, he would be criticizing the vast left wing sellout to the right that occurred over the last 50 years.

Here at UCBerkeley in May 1967 was a real rally with a real person, Dr. King,  speaking accurately about the USA foreign policy, and its violence and crime.  Less than a year later USA soldiers were caught in one atrocity, My Lai, covered up for a while by Colin Powell.

It is a safe bet, without the guidance of Dr. King, probably every single person in that crowd is now enjoying a sinecure of some sort rooted in the violence of the USA state.  Like Colin Powell, American murder as foreign policy works for progressives, as long as the progressives get their booty from the violent state.  They do.  When USA borrows 46 cents out of every dollar, the lenders must be convinced they will be paid back.  USA military presence in 120 plus countries makes that credible.  There is enough for the left and right wing, hence their cooperation.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Tamura Nobuyoshi Sensei

Check out San Dai Doshu experiencing de ja vu in the form of his grandfather's heir as far as skill, and  the move at 55 seconds....

I've seen very many of these harder style aikidoists in fringe-Europe locations.... Malta, Bulgaria, Tunis...  maybe that is where the aikido as a martial art will reside.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Another Interesting Anti-war Movie

The Serb-Croat Bosnian Civil War was so nonsensical that some victims attributed the events to the people being damned for the sins of their fathers, WWII and all that.  Perhaps wars have nothing to do with what the history books say, and everything to do with justice being meted out.  Who knows, but here is an hour and a half that takes a different look to after that war.

And, to be sure, it is easy to get into war, and hard to get out of, and the real suffering does not begin until the war is over.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Gates on Obama

Gary North gets it right:

"There are limits to what even the strongest and greatest nation on Earth can do--and not every outrage, act of aggression, oppression or crisis should elicit a U.S. military response." 

Quite true. Gates signed up to oversee a pair of them.

"But my years at the Pentagon left me even more skeptical of systems analysis, computer models, game theories or doctrines that suggest that war is anything other than tragic, inefficient and uncertain."

Really? Then why didn't he quit, and then go public when he still had some influence?

If they quit, they quit quietly. They never say a word. Then they may write a tell-all book. They do not acknowledge what should be obvious: The time to tell all is when you're in power. The second best time to tell all is just after you are fired for having told all. You go public.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The State Putatively Provides Order

But concentrating power brings chaos.

They found that those 873 exonerated defendants spent a combined total of more than 10,000 years in prison, an average of more than 11 years each. Nine out of 10 of them are men and half are African-American.
Nearly half of the 873 exonerations were homicide cases, including 101 death sentences. Over one-third of the cases were sexual assaults.
DNA evidence led to exoneration in nearly one-third of the 416 homicides and in nearly two-thirds of the 305 sexual assaults.
Researchers estimate the total number of felony convictions in the United States is nearly a million a year.
The overall registry/list begins at the start of 1989. It gives an unprecedented view of the scope of the problem of wrongful convictions in the United States and the figure of more than 2,000 exonerations "is a good start," said Rob Warden, executive director of the Center on Wrongful Convictions.
"We know there are many more that we haven't found," added University of Michigan law professor Samuel Gross, the editor of the newly opened National Registry of Exonerations.
Counties such as San Bernardino in California and Bexar County in Texas are heavily populated, yet seemingly have no exonerations, a circumstance that the academics say cannot possibly be correct.
The registry excludes at least 1,170 additional defendants. Their convictions were thrown out starting in 1995 amid the periodic exposures of 13 major police scandals around the country. In all the cases, police officers fabricated crimes, usually by planting drugs or guns on innocent defendants.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Starving Conscientious Objectors

Here is an interesting bit of WWII history:

Each man was in his 80s when interviewed and each spoke passionately when discussing why he chose to be a conscientious objector. The men universally stated a simple, solid conviction not to kill another human being. For some, the conviction was borne of an upbringing in one of the Historic Peace Churches. Others were influenced by pacifist writers such as Wilfred Grenfell (1865–1940), leaders of peace fellowships, or the teachings of the Oxford Movement. Still others saw the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) as a testament to the potential effectiveness of nonviolence. William Anderson put it most succinctly: “No one could make me kill anyone else.” Carlyle Frederick stressed that conscientious objection was not unpatriotic: “[Some] thought conscientious objection would be almost like being a traitor. But I was not objecting to my country as much as what my country was doing. In other words, my definition of patriotism included my refusal to kill.”

Heroics unsung.

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