"Just following orders" was a legitimate defense after WWII and is today in both USA and Israel, not matter what the crime. It is nonsense, but it is the law. It is why Eichmann was so hard for he jews to prosecute, only until the found an order to a war crime he personally issued where they able to convict him. Here is an accountant tallying the take on 300,000 deaths:
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“The conviction of Oskar Gröning for his actions sends an unequivocal message that, although he may not have led or directly participated in the atrocities at Auschwitz, he was clearly an accessory to the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis,” the group’s president Karen Pollock wrote in a statement Wednesday. “By being the ‘bookkeeper’ of Auschwitz, he assisted in and facilitated the murder of 300,000 Jewish men, women and children and it is right that he has now been held legally accountable for this.”So are we now in the USA who pay for the 50 million deaths by abortion now guilty too?
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