Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our Strengths Are Our Weaknesses

In aikido as a martial art, kokyu nage is unique in martial arts.  It gets to an ideal form, and that is the no-touch momentum throw.  Now, there is no martial art that does not appreciate a no-touch momentum throw when it occurs in the case of a tournament, but it is extremely rare.  A Kendo-mans timing may send an opponent sailing without a touch, but in judo no touching, no point.  The judges, though, are looking for that ippon in which there is virtually no friction, in essence a no touch through.

Kekko desu!

In aikido all kokyu nage is taught hands-on initially.  It is then practiced for no-touch timing.  As one fellow notes, it is generally a decision on the part of the uke not to be touched than the nage to no-touch throw some one.  But as an ideal, to not touch an opponent, to let the opponent's attack to constitute 100% of the aggression and pacification, well, splendid!

So a strength of aikido is the unique kokyu nage.  But that is also a weakness.

Kokyu nage should be thought of as rare, and certainly trained for as an ideal, working on timing and such.  But the problem is when it is presented as a standard.  Then things go wrong.  People lift their arms, and the opponent falls.  Then even timing disappears, and then it is no longer practicing a martial art.   More ballroom dancing, jive style.  Nothing wrong with that, it's just the costume is wrong.

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