Saturday, December 8, 2012

Conscientious Objection to Darwinism

Gary North puts it in perspective....

They come in the name of neutral science. Science is never neutral. They come in the name of neutral education. Education is never neutral. They come in the name of neutral civil government. Civil government is never neutral.
Then they escalate their claims. Ever since 1981, it has been illegal for any tax-funded school to teach creationism. This has been extended to intelligent design. So, the Darwinists have used coercion layered on coercion to promote their viewpoint.
The civil authorities make education compulsory: coercion. Then they tax all groups to pay for the schools: coercion. Then they subsidize specific groups' agendas: coercion. Then they ban rival views: coercion. All this is done in the same of science.

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