Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Revenge Killings In Afghanistan

When I was growing up, the bad nazis engaged in revenge killings, and this was a very bad thing, especially when visited on civilians.  It looks like our soldiers are doing it.

From Lew Rockwell:

Writes Brian Wilson:
SSG Robert Bales plotted and executed an attack that killed innocent Afghan civilians.
SSG Robert Bales is being sheltered in another nation.
Afghan authorities have demanded he be given to them for punishment.
The sheltering nation has refused.
Seems to me that Afghanistan is now justified, based on precedent established in international law, in bombing the living crap out of Washington DC and the entire East Coast and then landing troops to shoot the snot out of whatever's left.
I wonder if they can assemble a Coalition of the Willing to make it happen.

This of course, precisely mirrors the reason we invaded Afghanistan to begin with...

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